• mfmccounselinggroup@gmail.com
  • 732-770-4331


Life can be overwhelming at times and it can cause us to experience physical, mental, emotional and spiritual exhaustion. We reach our breaking point and believe that one more thing that goes wrong will send us tumbling over the edge into an emotional breakdown. It is not easy juggling the demands of church, work, home and family life. These demands can cause us to become worn out, overwhelmed, stressed out and subsequently feel the aching sensation of burn out.

Stress has serious psychological and physical consequences. DeLongis et al. (1988) conducted a study to investigate the somatic and psychological effects of common everyday hassles. They found out that there was an association between daily stress and the occurrence of both concurrent and subsequent health problems such asflu, sore throat, headaches, and backaches. The findings from the study also revealed that individuals without supportive social relationships and who had low self-esteem problems were more likely to experience an increase in psychological and somatic problems. It is evident from this study that individuals with low psychosocial resources are more likely to be ill and experiencemood disturbance when their stress levels increase, even if they generally have little stress in their lives.1

Stress can cast a heavy cloud over our spirit and attacks our nerves. Stress has a serious impact on the body. The constant adrenaline rush overstimulates the heart and may weaken the immune system leaving us susceptible to stress related ailments and other diseases.

At our counseling center, we offer a professional pragmatic and holistic approach to deal with ongoing acute stress.If you feel stressed out and at your wit ends we are here to help you.

  1. DeLongis, A., Folkman, S., &Lazarus, R. S. (1988). The impact of daily stress on health and mood: psychological and social resources as mediators.Journal Personality and Social Psychology,54(3), 486-95.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are experiencing any of these symptoms that will necessitate professional treatment. Please call us at 732-770-4331