Why is it that God created sex for celebration in marriage and procreation, yet the church does not talk about it? Most Christian couples got married without getting the proper sexual education and are suffering in their marriage as result of that. There is a war on sexuality and the God ordained marital sexual union. Unfortunately, most Christian couples get their sexual education from the media, fashion industry and Hollywood; these worldly agents are abusing the precious and godly gift of sex and are causing great harm to spirit, soul and body of people.
From my perspective, since the church is silent on sexual topics (no more preaching on holiness) the devil has made it his agenda to defile the body. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; however, the devil is defiling the body of Christ first through the eye gate, then the soul and lastly the spirit. Some Christians get their sexual education from the world. Christians today do not have a clear understanding of what a God ordained marital sex should be.
Breaking Ungodly Sexual Soul Ties: If you want a successful marriage, it is very important to break all soul ties with everyone you have slept with before marriage. Sexual union is only supposed to occur in marriage; to bind a couple together spirit, soul and body. Therefore, when sexual union occurs outside marriage, this soul bonding occurs. If a person has not had the opportunity to break the soul ties prior to entering a marriage, the soul of that person will still be tied to anyone that they had pre-marital sex with and it will defile the God ordained marital bed. The devil takes advantage of this to destroy the marriage. It is therefore very important to seek help to release your soul from all premarital sexual union before marriage even if you are already married. This is the reason why some marriages fail; especially second marriages.
A lot sexual interaction among Christians are ungodly improper acts learned from the media and the pornographic industry which defile the spirit, soul and body.
Sexual Issues: We address other sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction, inorgasmicpainful sex, loss of desire, premature orgasm, sexual frustration in marriage as well as the effects of childhood sexual abuse in marriage. Some of these sexual problems may be psychological or emotional in nature.
Counseling for Gender Identity Problems: We offer this type of counseling from a Christian perspective to Christians or anyone who is willing to be set free from homosexuality, same sex attraction and gender identity disorder.
Our sexual identity, male or female was oriented in heaven before God sent us here on earth. But the truth is, today both Christians and non-Christians struggle with homosexuality, lesbianism and other sexual issues. It is our principle never to turn any human being created in the image of God away because of their sexual orientation. We hope to demonstrate the love and compassion of Jesus to all who seek help from us. Jesus Himself was labeled as the “friend of sinners”. How can we refuse to do likewise if we claim to represent Him? Therefore homosexuals and lesbians are very much welcome if they are seeking to be set free from the demons of homosexuality and perversion and live the abundant joyful life. .
We are a compassionate ministry and understand your pain. Although we do not affirm the sin of homosexuality we understand the spiritual and emotional pain; the underlying rejection, abuse, abandonment, confusion, shame, depression, the painful rejection from the judgmental and unloving religious community. We are willing to help Christians struggling in this area to be set free in a safe confidential and non-judgmental atmosphere. We deal with these issues through prayer, fasting, sound doctrinal position and with understanding, love and compassion. We are not here to judge or condemn you, rather we are here to love you and help you to be set free by the power of Christ into His fullness of liberty, peace and joy. We are all sinners saved by grace. We all struggle with the existential experience of human suffering. No sin greater than the other in God’s sight. This is a safe and confidential place where you do not have to hide in shame, pain, fear, rejection and confusion anymore. Please call us today to experience the love, acceptance and healing through the loving grace of Jesus Christ.
Please call us at (732) 317-1902 to start working on relieving you from the emotional pain.